Sunday 29 November 2015

Red Wool Patients suffering from Kidney Disease

End stage renal failure can kill without dialysis. In the United Kingdom and some countries dialysis is given for patients that would require the treatment for free. In the Philippines, this is never free. Each patient will have to spend 2500-4000 per session. Dialysis is given three times a week. This is the artificial kidney working, cleaning toxins in the body because the kidney will no longer function to clean up waste.

I am starting a fund raising for those patients with kidney disease to be able to assist them, help them extend their lives. This is a voluntary work I started in the month of November 2015. I can talk to you a lot about it as to why I am doing this with all my heart. I feel those who are suffering. I like to give them the best of hope that they are not fighting alone. Someone wants to fight with them.

If you know someone, suffering from this disease, feel free to let them contact me via email at and I can get in touch with them directly. If they are in from Cebu area, I will pay them a visit in one of their sessions. I am more than glad to offer emotional and moral support while the campaign/fund raising is just starting.

Here are my objectives:
1. As long as the money raised permits, I will gladly offer to pay a session not just one but as long as the funds will allow me to.
2. I can pay a visit to the renal unit as long as I am able to do so and listen to patients and spread positive vibes.
3. I will also answer any emails of comfort to help them feel good if not better.

Help extend lives. Donate now